Jesse Ides, Makah Nation, shares about his journey of a Tribal Fisherman and the importance of Traditional Ways interviewed in 2013.

Jesse Ides, Makah Nation, shares about his journey of a Tribal Fisherman and the importance of Traditional Ways interviewed in 2013.

Movie Files QuickTime h.264 Ogg Video
Jesse Ides Makah Tribe 1.2 GB 95.4 MB 70.1 MB
Image Files Animated GIF Thumbnail
Jesse Ides Makah Tribe 225.5 KB 5.4 KB
Information Format Size
JesseIdesMakahTribe1_files.xml Metadata [file]
JesseIdesMakahTribe1_meta.sqlite Metadata 11.0 KB
JesseIdesMakahTribe1_meta.xml Metadata 847.0 B
Other Files Archive BitTorrent
JesseIdesMakahTribe1_archive.torrent 28.6 KB

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