Bill James, a member of the Lummi Nation, is interviewed by Althea Wilson for “Revitalizing Cultural Knowledge and Honoring Sacred Waters: an Oral History of Life on the Nooksack River,”… Bill James, Lummi Nation, January 2018Read more
Tag: Sockeye
Steve Solomon, Lummi Nation, December 7, 2016
Internet Archive Page
Elden Hillaire, Lummi Nation Fisheries, and Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission, interviewed on December 15th, 2013.
Elden Hillaire, Lummi Nation Fisheries, and Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission, interviewed on December 15th, 2013. Internet Archive page here. Movie Files QuickTime h.264 Ogg Video TVAP Elden Hillaire 1.4… Elden Hillaire, Lummi Nation Fisheries, and Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission, interviewed on December 15th, 2013.Read more
Georgiana Kautz, Nisqually Indian Tribe, interviewed in 2004.
Georgiana Kautz, Nisqually Indian Tribe, interviewed in 2004. Hosted at the Internet Archive. Audio Files Flac VBR MP3 Ogg Vorbis WAVE Georgianna Kautz 5-12-04 51.6 MBÂ 16.2 MBÂ 8.3 MBÂ … Georgiana Kautz, Nisqually Indian Tribe, interviewed in 2004.Read more
Jim Gordon and Dana Wilson, members of the Lummi Nation, are interviewed in 2010 as part of the Back to the River project.
Jim Gordon and Dana Wilson, members of the Lummi Nation, are interviewed in 2010 as part of the Back to the River project. Hosted at the Internet Archive. Audio Files… Jim Gordon and Dana Wilson, members of the Lummi Nation, are interviewed in 2010 as part of the Back to the River project.Read more
Georgiana and Nugie Kautz, Nisqually Indian Tribe, on the history of the treaty rights struggle
Georgiana and Nugie Kautz, members of the Nisqually Indian Tribe, on the history of the treaty rights struggle. This interview occurred in 2010 as part of the Back to the… Georgiana and Nugie Kautz, Nisqually Indian Tribe, on the history of the treaty rights struggleRead more
Hank Adams and Billy Frank Jr. are interviewed for part of the Back to the River project in 2010.
Hank Adams and Billy Frank Jr. are interviewed for part of the Back to the River project in 2010. Hosted at the Internet… Hank Adams and Billy Frank Jr. are interviewed for part of the Back to the River project in 2010.Read more
Georgiana Kautz, Nisqually Indian Tribe, on the restoration of the Nisqually River estuary, interviewed in 2010.
Georgiana Kautz, Nisqually Indian Tribe, on the restoration of the Nisqually River estuary, interviewed in 2010. Audio Georgiana Kautz on estuary restoration 9-1-10 Internet Archive Page
Andy Whitener, Squaxin Island Indian Tribe, interviewed in 2004
Andy Whitener of the Squaxin Island Tribe, interviewed in May 2004 Hosted at the Internet Archive. Audio Files Flac VBR MP3 Ogg Vorbis WAVE Andy Whitener 5-12-04 28.2 MB 9.8… Andy Whitener, Squaxin Island Indian Tribe, interviewed in 2004Read more
Billy Frank Jr, Nisqually Tribe, interviewed in May 2004.
Billy Frank Jr., chairman of the Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission, is interviewed in May 2004. Hosted at the Internet Archive. Audio Files WAVE… Billy Frank Jr, Nisqually Tribe, interviewed in May 2004.Read more